me start by saying Chapman reads Revelation the traditional way: as a
promise of our future. She also firmly believes in the inerrancy of
scripture. Therefore, she and I will certainly differ in opinion. It’s
hard for me to grasp how any serious scholar of Revelation can still
read the Bible as inerrant scripture, but Chapman gives herself two
outs: She emphasizes that her foundation is scripture alone, and she
admits that John did not fully understand the vision himself. Whereas I
read the book from the understanding that John knew full well the things
he was watching happen with his own eyes, and the things he anticipated
in his near future.
said, Chapman’s writing is logical, simple, and well-organized. It’s a
nicely written book, and will be appreciated especially by conservative
Christians. It’s also true to the flavor of Revelation, which made it
enjoyable for me as well. She remains true to the Scripture, varying
only occasionally for embellishment, and does not dampen the spirit of
revelation by pulling punches. She reveals revelation to be a song of
wrath and vengeance. She highlights the dichotomy of Revelation, its
us-versus-them plea. For example, she wonders if the sword of the red
horseman represents the sword of Islam. “Islam is already murdering
Christians because they don’t follow the laws of Islam.”
will protest, of course, knowing that John’s intended meaning couldn’t
possibly have been a nation or religious movement he had never heard of.
But Chapman’s book shouldn’t be read in that manner. Chapman makes
Revelation contemporary, as if it were written by a minister of today.
She modernizes the message by substituting Muslims for the hated Rome,
and the apostate church for the wayward Jerusalem, and maintains
precisely the right tone of vitriol for both. As Revelation’s Babylon
became a dwelling place for demons, so has the Vatican today (the
Vatican’s chief exorcist says he has dealt with 70,000 cases of demonic
possession in his life). Chapman brings to life the apocalyptic,
leave-it-to-Jesus atmosphere of John’s day by suggesting that the
plagues of Revelation will mock the attempts of environmentalists to
save the earth and the seas from pollution. This treatment actually
brought Revelation alive for me, by forcing me to imagine how its fiery
message was first received by the Christians John was writing to. I
imagine with much the same disparate feelings as fundamentalist
Christians today would read Chapman’s book. (I confess, that worries
Two-thirds of the
way through the book, the coverage of Revelation dwindles and Chapman
begins discussing the rapture and the argument for a post-tribulation
timing. Rapture is, of course, a Pauline idea, and most of Chapman’s
treatment the rest of the way concerns the writings of other Biblical
authors. I merely scanned from this point forward as my interest waned
once the topic moved away from Revelation. But back to Revelation and a
few of the discussions I found interesting:
believes in a post-tribulation rapture. She understands the two periods
of tribulation to be periods of trial for the Christians. She welcomes
this time with joy and anticipation, knowing what is to follow.
and I agree a great deal on how to interpret Revelation’s bizarre
imagery. For example, we agree that the rider of the white horse is an
apostate force. We agree that the seals, trumpets, and vials are unique
sequences. She proposes that we have entered the seal period, just as I
surmise that John of Patmos felt he was living in the seal period as he
wrote. Yet Chapman surprised me at times with new ideas, such as her
comparison of the four beasts around the throne with the four horsemen.
large part of Chapman’s theology is the rebuilding of the Temple. She
anticipates this during the era of the two witnesses. This puzzled me at
first, because Revelation says absolutely nothing about rebuilding the
Temple; one of John’s most striking contributions is his direct
contradiction of the prophets (primarily Ezekiel) who promised a new
Temple. Instead, Revelation says just that opposite, that there will be
no Temple in the New Jerusalem. Jesus, says both Revelation and
John’s Gospel, is the new Temple. But as I continued reading, I began to
recognize the reason for Chapman’s emphasis on a rebuilt Temple. If she
is translating Revelation to the current day, the Abomination of
Desolation has to go somewhere! From the point of view of my own book,
the AofD came and went back in the first century while there was still a
Temple, of course, but we must somehow make Revelation current to our
time for Chapman’s treatment, and we don’t have a Temple today! Ergo, it
apparently has to be rebuilt!
led to the next confusing part for me. She apparently interprets
Revelation’s “new heaven and new earth” to coincide with the arrive of a
NEW New Jerusalem…this second New Jerusalem residing up in heaven and
having no Temple…presumably replacing the first New Jerusalem. “The
millennial city has no walls, but the eternal city has walls.” I hope I
haven’t misinterpreted her meaning.
I enjoyed reading and enjoyed the atmosphere of the book. None of it is
relevant to me as a historian except that fitting the story into
contemporary surroundings, fearing the Muslims and dreaming of living in
heaven, helped me share in Revelation’s original flavor. Yet I cannot
give it five stars because, should it be read by the wrong audience, it
would stimulate distrust rather than understanding between religions and